Category: IEQc4

IEQc4 LEED Documentation VOC

In an ideal (LEED-based) world, all products would come with a giant stamp right on them, or on the first page of a submittal, with big bold wording stating things like VOC content, FSC number or recycled percentage. For better or for worse, that certainly isn’t the case. What I am amazed with, however, is how some submittals can contain absolutely zero relevant data. I mean, I know people don’t like extra paperwork, but is the answer really just forward on as much crap as you can pull together? Unfortunately, this happens more often than naught!

IEQc4 LEED Construction LEED Documentation VOC

Construction Waste ESC IEQc4 LEED LEED Certified LEED Construction MRc2 MRc4 Recycled Content SSp1 Uncategorized VOC

I had an interesting conversation with a colleague the other day while traipsing through Charlotte. I was spinning a yarn of a LEED project of yore, and not to be…

IEQc4 LEED LEED Certified LEED Construction LEED Documentation